DNA Faunal Database

(All species are found and pictures taken within the Dharmavana landscape. Regular updates, including more species living in the DNA, to follow!)
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Or, click on a category to browse.
Vertebrates Invertebrates
Category Species
Amphibian 11
Bird 97
Mammal 10
Reptile 34
Total: 152
Category Species
Ant 8
Bee 17
Beetle 86
Butterfly 34
Caterpillar 10
Centipede 5
Cockroach 8
Damselfly 5
Dragonfly 14
Fly 32
Hopper 29
Mantis 7
Millipede 3
Mite 2
Moth 52
Scorpion 2
Skipper 3
Slug 2
Snail 7
Spider 63
Stick Insect 2
Termite 2
Tick 2
Total: 395
Species of the Day    List 
Ficus mollis Faunal Database of over 500 species living in the Dharmavana.
Ficus mollis    more