What does the name DharmaVana Nature Ark mean?

The Sanskrit word dharma has its origin in the word dhri meaning 'to hold together'. Scholars feel that there is no equivalent word for dharma in any other language. The meaning of dharma is much broader and secular than a translation into the closest English word 'religion' or a process of well-being. In simple terms, dharma means the realization of a humanistic code or path of conduct necessary to sustain one's self (atman), virtue, righteousness or duty; doing the right thing ‑ compassionate in thought, word and deed. The Sanskrit word vana means a forest, wood or a grove and is often used in the classical religious texts of India. An ark is something into which things are put for safe keeping which, in our case, is a place where we treat nature as the foremost priority. Among our many activities, the Dharmavana Nature Ark seeks to facilitate moral/spiritual enlightenment. Duty and sustenance can find no truer resonance than to embrace all of Life's forms.

Please explain the Dharmavana logo.

DNA Logo
Right at the heart of the logo is the "Acacia Tree" representing the woody trees of our semi-arid region - the ultimate survivor, weathering multiple droughts and yet growing strong - each tree is a story of resilience - the key brand identity of Dharamvana. A keen observer can see the acacia tree encapsulating the map of India - illustrating our "Indianness" - in terms of not just the physical location, but also the teams' mindset and philosophy. There is an innate belief in "back to basics", hands-on approach and practically a spiritual dedication to the belief that human beings can and will protect nature from destruction & extinction.
The surrounding five rings represent the 5 kingdoms of life, the 5 traditional elements of earth, and the 5 geospheres that interact with one another to make up mother earth. The natural feel of the logo with a rough & tough weathered look contributes to our penchant for keeping everything natural, including our tough love while nurturing life. Our logo reflects us, our vision, our style, our approach and our values very aptly!

Do you sell seeds or plants?

No, and not for the foreseeable future. We do, however, work with forestry and research institutions in this regard under MOU arrangements.

What plant collections are most represented in the DNA's botanical gardens?

We are at work on comprehensive and representative collections of plants from the following families and genera. We also feature many cacti & succulents. Our focus, however, is on the woody flora of the Deccan Plateau and Eastern Ghats of India covering over 850 species found in about 310 genera and many more infraspecific taxa. The DNA's climate and soils are suitable to many, if not most, of these species particularly so as our tree canopy develops. Native grasses are of keen interest and cover much of the landscape at present.
    Asparagaceae [(sub)tropical]
    Bambusoideae [tropical]
    Diospyros [(sub)tropical]

When will you complete your mission?

As long as evolution continues and ecosystems recycle resources, the DNA hopes to participate.

Does the DNA agree we must:

". . . encourage global cooperation among states to conserve, protect and restore the health and integrity of the earth's ecosystem, governments and relevant stakeholders [are] further encouraged to use the outcomes of the Intergovernmental Science‑Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services global assessments, and the Global Environmental Outlook, to analyze options for transformative change to achieve societal actions in relation to food consumption and the use of chemicals." https://www.unenvironment.org/news-and-stories/story/towards-vision-2050-biodiversity-living-harmony-nature
We agree. We also search out viable seed of increasingly rare jungle flora, figure out their germination requirements, grow up the plants to maturity, and work out their requirements to produce true, viable seed for the future. All along the way we document the process.
Species of the Day    List 
Acacia planifrons Faunal Database of over 500 species living in the Dharmavana.
Acacia planifrons    more