
05 Jun

Dharma Vana Arboretum

Began Survey

Began survey to locate suitable land in the Hyderabad Metropolitan area to establish the Dharma Vana Arboretum. Dharmavana means a humanistic code or path of conduct, virtue, righteousness or duty as realised in the profoundness of a forest or similar immersive natural setting.
15 Mar

7 Acre Nursery

Set-up a 7 acre nursery to expand the existing plant collection and grow jungle trees & shrubs
21 Aug

Society Formed

Founded Arboretum

Founded the Dharma Vana Arboretum vide Registrar of Societies, Hyderabad #1466/2004 with a focus on conserving dryland (sub)tropical flora within a 'wild' natural setting.
01 Jan


Began process of obtaining FCRA Certification (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act)
23 May

Terra Firma

Land Purchase

Dharma Vana Arboretum purchases 90% of the Arboretum Lands notified in revenue records as dry fallow pattadar land.
18 Jan


Received 12A Certification under Income Tax Act, 1961
08 May


Received 80G Certification under the Income Tax Act, 1961
10 Mar

Hiring Work Teams

Employees hired from local villages and towns begin work on the many plantations to follow over the next decade, eventually reaching a strength of 45 men & women and growing year on year.
15 Jul

Jala Fence

Finished negotiations with the neighbours to fix all our land borders. Completed Jala fencing on all borders.
01 Aug

Began Ecosystem Restoration

Plantations started, soil resuscitation, water conservation underway
11 Mar


Major fire burned over 70% of the Arboretum lands.
11 Jul

FCRA Approved

Received FCRA Certification from Govt. of India (MoHA)
31 Jul


Awarded a congratulatory citation & memento for climate & environmental works by the District Collector, Nalgonda
10 Aug

Great Wall begun

Began construction of 10½ feet high granite block Compound Wall along the 7.3 km perimeter. Another 1½ feet of protective wire is added atop the wall for security.
15 Sep


DNA land is given to Bhongir Town for the expansion of two Urban Colony Graveyards.
04 Aug

FCRA Renewal

First renewal of FCRA Certification
01 Jul

Weather Station #1

Installation of the first of two weather stations
01 Jul


Specialised germination laboratory inaugurated
21 Dec


Received NGO Darpan Registration (NITI Aayog, Govt. of India) vide Unique ID #TS/2018/0220224
05 Jul

Name Change

Began the process to change the name of Dharma Vana Arboretum to Dharmavana Nature Ark (DNA) in the Office of Registrar of Societies, Hyderabad
14 Nov

Name Change

Registrar of Societies, Hyderabad accorded sanction for the name change
15 Feb


Launched our newly revised website
12 Mar

Dharmavana Nature Ark (DNA)

Name Change Approved

Commissioner of Income Tax (E), Hyderabad approves name change. This new name better suits our biodiversity conservation mission.
24 Sep


12A Certification re-certified as per the latest Income Tax (Amendments) Act, 1961
02 Oct


80G Certification re-certified as per the latest Income Tax (Amendments) Act, 1961
18 Oct


Received CSR Certification (Corporate Social Responsibility)
23 Feb

MOU with Co-Founder

Mr. Harish Yarlagadda

Signed MOU with Mr. Harish Yarlagadda of the Malaxmi Group who joined as our co-founder to solidify our continued progress into the future, much thanks to him.
17 Mar


Second renewal of FCRA Certification after completing re-certification process
09 Jun

Section 8 Company

Dharmavana Nature Ark Association

Incorporation of Dharmavana Nature Ark Association as a non-profit 'Section 8 Company' under the Companies Act, 2013.
15 Jun

Great Wall Finished

Completed Compound Wall construction to secure the Ark.
15 Sep

Scientific Research

Scientists join the Dharmavana to expand and lead our research activities
08 Jan

New Logo Announced

Acacia Tree within 5 Circles

The Acacia tree represents resilience, a hallmark of life living in the Dharmavana that defines our mission. The surrounding five rings represent the 5 kingdoms of life, the 5 traditional elements of earth, and the 5 geospheres that interact with one another to make up mother earth. We are duty bound to mitigate the 6th mass extinction as much as possible.
15 Mar

Aquatic Life

Civil Works begun to greatly increase and improve the conservation of Aquatic Life biodiversity at the Dharmavana.
01 Apr

Centre of Excellence


Dharmavana Centre of Excellence for Biodiversity & Climate Sciences inaugurated
15 Apr

Weather Station #2

Installation of the second of two weather stations
22 May


MOU entered into with CSIR-CCMB (Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology) for education and scientific research
29 Sep


MOU entered into with ICFRE-IFB (Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education - Institute of Forest Biodiversity) for education and scientific research
16 Nov

MOU with UOH

MOU entered into with UOH (University of Hyderabad) for education and scientific research
Species of the Day    List 
Hildegardia populifolia Faunal Database of over 500 species living in the Dharmavana.
Hildegardia populifolia    more